As part of our church’s Senior Ministry Program, Susan Goss presented a 2½ hour seminar on May 9th on the topic of “Parenting Adult Children.” Susan is a Licensed Professional Counselor and Licensed Marriage & Family Counselor so she came with a great deal of experience on the subject. She covered many different topics during the seminar, including if your adult children are living at home with you, if you have an adult child in prison, and coping with the divorce of your adult child. Susan also referenced several books that she recommended might be helpful to us.
However, what probably resonated with most of us parents at the seminar was that we have to reframe from trying to fix whatever our adult children are facing in their lives. We as parents have to remember that they are now adults and are responsible for their actions. The key is to always love our adult children and be empathetic to their situations. We must protect our relationship with our adult children and understand that we do not have to be right, especially at the expense of hurting that relationship. The one thing that we all can do in any situation is to pray for our adult children: pray for discernment to know how to deal with their choices and release them to God. Then stay out of God’s business and let God handle the situation. We should not try to change our adult children. It doesn’t work!
Continuing with the series of events sponsored by the Senior Ministry, on Wed, June 6 at 10:30 AM to Noon, the church present “A Change of Heart: A Heart Free to Live” led by facilitator, Karen Beckwith. Since change is an on-going process in our lives, it is time to start tackling this challenge. Be sure to attend and invite a friend and neighbor.