Camp Siloam Outreach

To those who participated in our initial outreach at Camp Siloam….THANK YOU!  Together they accomplished so much more than anticipated. They assembled beds to accommodate more than 110 campers (approx. 55 bunks) in just one day. The project coordinator, Pat Moore, couldn’t believe they got so many beds done in one day. He expressed what a blessing and encouragement it was that our church had committed to taking on this task.  Participants included John & Sue Ruddick, their grandson, Sam, Denise Marshall, Bill Bradley, Dave Mack, Mike Podrasky, and Steve Coil. There was good fellowship, zeal to serve the Lord, and an earnest desire to get the job done. I know the Lord was pleased by the faithful efforts of these humble servants.

Another fruitful day at Camp Siloam was Friday, January 22nd.  Newcomers to the group were Larry Morgan, Jerry Royse, and Ken Ubben. Due to logistics and pressing matters at camp, the Camp Siloam folks were only able to get 2 dorm rooms set up for the team so only 22 bunks were built this trip. These bunks were much more challenging but the team pushed through! They then changed gears and folded brochures that the camp sends out for the campers and their parents. Way to go team!

There is still a lot of work to be done and we look forward to our continued ministry opportunity with Camp Siloam.  Praise be to our faithful Lord and to all those who have given of their time and talents to help make sure the 2021 camp season is successful.

Pray for the youth that will occupy these bunks to come to a saving knowledge.
















